Home Remedies for Cracked Lips

Home remedies for chapped lips may resolve, but preventive measures must also be taken to get rid of this condition .

Extra care with the urge to lick your lips , for example. When the lip is sensitive, moisture evaporates quickly, making it more dry. If you have dry cracked corners of mouth and cracked lips then this remedy would be best for you to cure it naturally.

The lips do not have the pigmentation of melanin, and the exaggerated exposure of this part of the body to the rays of the sun can cause skin cancer. Provide a lip sunscreen, with more than factor 20.

Oral rinse solutions should be used every night as these products form a protective layer that keeps the lips moist.

When the lips are cracked, avoid eating mustard, drinking orange juice, or alcoholic beverages, as they worsen the condition .
Image result for lips flickr

Homemade Recipes:

  1. Take a teaspoon of honey paste, mix with a teaspoon of Vaseline , and apply to the hives. Leave for 15 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. Repeat for five days in a row.
  2. For lips parched by excessive cold , a generous amount of coconut oil should be applied. Morning and evening, whenever necessary.
  3. Provide two sheets of Aloe vera and remove the pulp. Apply twice a day.
  4. Take cucumber slices, cut thinly, and cover the full length of the lips. Let stand for 15 minutes. Do it for 5 days in a row.
  5. Gently rub a few drops of castor oil with your finger whenever possible .
  6. Take about 6 petals of rose, crush, and add half a tablespoon of glycerin. Let it go all night for a week then. This mixture is also indicated to "refresh" the color of the lips.
  7. Mix a few drops of rose extract in a teaspoon of milk, and apply it to the lips once a day for a week.

More serious situations

1/4 cup of paraffin
1/4 cup of petroleum jelly (you'll find it in a health food store or on-line sales sites). Can be replaced with Vaseline.
Drops of lemon extract


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